The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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Text File
1,606 lines
* *
* *
* * The
* *
* * Binary
* *
* * Toolshed
* *
* *
* ****** *
* * *
* * * Version 1.2
* * * July 2, 1992
* * *
* * *
******** *
1.0 Products From The Binary Toolshed ................................1
2.0 Packing List......................................................3
3.0 Installation and Setup............................................5
3.1 System Requirements...............................................5
3.2 Installation and Setup............................................5
3.3 Printing Manuals..................................................7
4.0 Recommended Start Procedure.......................................8
5.0 Program Conventions...............................................9
5.1 Overall Conventions...............................................9
5.2 Full Screen Program Conventions..................................12
5.3 Command Line Program Conventions.................................14
6.0 Sample Programs Provided.........................................16
6.1 ToolBOX Inferred Batch Files.....................................16
6.2.Sample Configuration Files.......................................19
6.3 DOS Batch Files..................................................20
6.4 MS Windows Data Files............................................22
APPENDIX A : Questions & Answers.....................................23
APPENDIX B : Glossary................................................26
General BTS Product Information Page 1
1.0 Products From The Binary Toolshed
The Binary Toolshed products include a number of programs for helping
users work with DOS. Programs that are equally applicable to the novice
as to the power user. They not only make using traditional DOS features
easier, but provide features and facilities that are not available
through DOS.
This manual provides an overview of the aspects that are common to all
of the programs. Discussions cover the suggested order for reading the
associated documentation and generally becoming familiar with the
material provided. Installation and setup procedures are described, as
are conventions and features that are used throughout the products. The
Appendices also provide answers to common operational questions, as well
as a glossary.
This manual covers both the shareware and registered versions of the
product. Where differences exist, they are specifically identified. In
the other manuals, this distinction is neither needed, nor provided.
The registered product contains additional utilities that are not
available with the shareware version, however those programs that are
common to both products are functionally identical. The only
differences being the cosmetic alterations required to identify one as
the unregistered shareware version and the other as the registered
version - feature wise the products are identical.
The programs common to both the shareware and registered products are:
TBOX The ToolBOX. The major program provided with the
product. ToolBOX provides numerous features: file
directory displays, point and shoot operations, single
key activation of sets of commands, pass through DOS
command line operation, reuse of command line text,
quick access to recently entered directories,
simultaneous directory and DOS window views, and much
more. This shell program provides a platform for
initiating other program operations, whether from the
Binary Toolshed or other independent parties.
TBOXCFG ToolBOX Configuration program. Configuration capability
for the ToolBOX program including colors, directory
display or sort formats, key bindings, title banner, and
more. Configuration files are usable by the VIEW and
TREE utilities as well as TBOX.
BTSPATCH Provides the capability to set the default command line
arguments for all Binary Toolshed programs.
TOASCII Converts text files that use the extended IBM PC
character set to use the standard 95 printable ASCII
General BTS Product Information Page 2
TREE Graphically displays the directory structure. The user
can cursor through this structure to change directories
or examine files.
VIEW Displays the contents of text files for viewing or
The following utility programs are provided with the registered product
DIRS Displays disk space utilization for directory branches.
It produces the cumulative totals for a directory and
all of its descendants.
DRIVES Displays disk drive parameters for all assigned drives.
The presentation includes drive types, volume names,
capacities, and free space available.
MAKEBAT Creates batch files based on a template data file and a
file match specification for applicable files.
ONPATH Determines if specified files are accessible through the
DOS PATH variable.
WI A 'WhereIs' program. Finds specified files wherever
they are located on the disk drive(s), and optionally
carries out an operation on those files.
The documentation for all the above programs, is included with the
shareware product. All of the programs are independent and can be used
without the others if desired.
General BTS Product Information Page 3
2.0 Packing List
Files common to the shareware and the registered products:
TBOX .EXE The ToolBOX program
TBOXCFG .EXE ToolBOX configurations program
BTSPATCH.EXE Patch program for Binary Toolshed programs
TOASCII .EXE Filter to convert extended PC characters to ASCII
TREE .EXE Point and shoot directory traversal utility
VIEW .EXE Text file browser
STRTHERE.DOC Quick introduction to program capabilities
STRTHERE.BAT Invokes VIEW to present contents of STRTHERE.DOC.
CHANGES .DOC Description of program changes for each version.
GENERAL .DOC Discussion of common program aspects (this manual)
ORDRINFO.DOC Product distribution and support issues
ORDER .FRM Template for placing orders
TBOX .DOC User Manual for the TBOX program
TBOXCFG .DOC User Manual for the TBOXCFG program
SAMPLE FILES (Contained in the self extracting SAMPLE.EXE file)
SAMPLE-A.CFG Sample configuration file
SAMPLE-B.CFG Sample configuration file
TBX--xxx.BAT Sample deferred batch files for point and shoot
operations ( <RETURN> ) on files with an xxx
extension, where xxx is any of:
TBXA-xxx.BAT Sample deferred batch files for point and shoot
operations ( <ALT-RETURN> ) on files with an xxx
extension, where xxx is any of:
General BTS Product Information Page 4
TBXC-xxx.BAT Sample deferred batch files for point and shoot
operations ( <CTRL-RETURN> ) on files with an xxx
extension, where xxx is any of:
TIR .BAT Configures TBOX as a replacement for DOS DIR
D1 .BAT Sample to limit DIRS display to first level
CLEAN .BAT Demonstrates use of WI to delete temporary files
WI-COPY .BAT Demonstrates use of WI to copy files
WI-RUN .BAT Demonstrates use of WI to execute files
WI-VIEW .BAT Demonstrates use of WI to view files
ZRUN.BAT.BAT Simulate TBOX's unzip operation from DOS
BTS .GRP MS Windows Group file BTS utilities
BTS .ICO MS Windows 3.0 Icon - Binary Toolshed logo
TREE .ICO MS Windows 3.0 Icon - Simulated TREE display
VIEW .ICO MS Windows 3.0 Icon - Simulated VIEW display
TBOX .ICO MS Windows 3.0 Icon - Simulated ToolBOX display
TREE .PIF MS Windows 3.0 Program Information File - TREE
VIEW .PIF MS Windows 3.0 Program Information File - VIEW
TBOX .PIF MS Windows 3.0 Program Information File - ToolBOX
BTS .PIF MS Windows 3.0 PIF - BTS Startup documentation
TREE-F .PIF MS Windows 3.0 PIF - TREE (Full screen)
VIEW-F .PIF MS Windows 3.0 PIF - VIEW (Full screen)
TBOX-F .PIF MS Windows 3.0 PIF - ToolBOX (Full screen)
The following files exist only with the registered product:
DIRS .EXE Directory branch space allocation display utility
DRIVES .EXE Drive space allocation display utility
MAKEBAT .EXE Creates batch files from a template
ONPATH .EXE Determines if files(s) are accessible on the PATH
WI .EXE Finds file(s) anywhere on one or more drives
General BTS Product Information Page 5
3.0 Installation and Setup
3.1 System Requirements
The BTS program family requires:
DOS : 3.0 or higher. Tested with DOS 3.0 through 5.0,
DR DOS 5.0, and 4DOS.
Memory : All programs will function within 100KB of free memory.
Programs such as TBOX, TBOXCFG, and VIEW can, and will
take advantage of additional available memory.
DISK : no specific requirements.
3.2 Installation and Setup
Installation for the Binary Toolshed programs is essentially
accomplished by moving the program and data files to the directories
where they can be accessed. Place the:
o executables and batch files (*.EXE, *.BAT) in a directory
referenced by the PATH variable.
o configuration files (*.CFG) in any directory that can be
referenced later.
o icon (*.ICO) and pif (*.pif) files in a directory where they can
be referenced by the MS Windows program.
o documentation files (*.DOC and *.FRM) where they can be
referenced later.
The following example demonstrates an installation for the self
extracting version of the registered program. The compressed program is
initially contained in the a:\BTS12.EXE file. The following example
demonstrates a possible installation procedure:
md \bts
cd \bts
del samples.exe
rename strthere.bat strthere.tmp
copy *.bat c:\bin
copy *.exe c:\bin
del *.bat
del *.exe
rename strthere.tmp strthere.bat
General BTS Product Information Page 6
The example:
o creates an empty directory (BTS) on drive C: and moves into it.
This directory will ultimately just contain reference data; the
programs will be copied elsewhere.
o the distribution files are placed in this directory by
decompressing the single distribution file.
o except for the SAMPLE.EXE file, all of the decompressed files
are usable immediately. The SAMPLES.EXE file is a self-
extracting file containing the individual sample files. If you
want these files, execute the SAMPLE.EXE program.
o copies all of the executables to a directory on the PATH (C:\BIN
assumed). SAMPLE.EXE is pre-deleted as it has already served
its usefulness.
o the *.BAT and *.EXE files are deleted as a general policy for
eliminating duplicate files. This will not only reduce space
requirements, but will ensure there are no problems later with
identifying which programs have been updated or reconfigured.
STRTHERE.BAT is temporarily renamed to prevent it from being
copied and deleted with the other .BAT files.
The installation is essentially complete. This leaves the *.CFG, *.DOC,
*.ICN, and *.PIF files in the C:\BTS directory. These are all reference
files that need not be on the PATH. Refer to Section 6 for examples on
how to utilize these files.
The product version and distribution method may alter this process
slightly. For the shareware version of the product, the self extracting
file referenced in the fourth line is TBOX12.EXE. If you received the
shareware version from a bulletin board, the single distribution file is
likely compressed. Use the appropriate decompression program in line
Ensure that COMMAND.COM exists in a directory on the path (you can use
the ONPATH utility to test). It is not sufficient that the COMSPEC
environment variable simply be directed to it.
No changes are required to the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files, however
there are advantages with DOS 3 to using the ANSI.SYS driver. These
advantages are discussed in the ToolBOX User Manual. Refer to your DOS
User Manual for instructions on adding this driver to your CONFIG.SYS
The ToolBOX program can use the TEMP environment variable to identify a
disk swap directory. Use the DOS SET command if this is applicable.
If desired, use the BTSPATCH and TBOXCFG programs to change the startup
settings for the other programs.
General BTS Product Information Page 7
The TREE program is the only utility that may need help during
installation. As explained in the UTILITIES User Manual, if the data
file created on the initial startup exists on a RAMDISK or in a
directory that is not normally on the PATH, then move it to a permanent
directory that is always on the PATH. Also, be aware that the TREE
command name conflicts with DOS TREE command. To prevent the conflict
either ensure that the directory with the Binary Toolshed TREE program
precedes the DOS directory on the PATH, or simply rename the DOS program
(for example to TREE-DOS.COM). Note that if both the BTS TREE.EXE and
the DOS TREE.COM exist in the same directory, DOS will give precedence
to the .COM version.
3.3 Printing Manuals
All of the manuals provided are formatted for 60 lines per page, form
feeds, and contain characters from the IBM PC extended character set.
This is compatible with most laser printers and dot matrix printers. To
print the ToolBOX user manual, use the DOS commands:
If your printer does not support the extended characters, use the
TOASCII utility to convert the extended characters to standard ASCII
equivalents. Refer to the Utilities User Manual for specifics. For
example, to print the ToolBOX manual directly:
or to create an intermediate temporary file first
General BTS Product Information Page 8
4.0 Recommended Start Procedure
This manual provides an overview of aspects that are common to all of
the programs within the product. The programs themselves, however, are
independent. Each has its own procedures and purpose. Each can
function without the others. It is therefore possible to start with any
of the programs.
The following brief steps provide a logical order for examining each
program. Note that the command line arguments and configuration
capability available for most of the programs are optional. The factory
defaults are adequate and suitable for most situations.
a) start with the STRTHERE.DOC file to obtain a general
appreciation for the capabilities of each program.
b) read the balance of this manual to understand general concepts
and procedures: how to select from menus, get Help, escape from
operations, and so on.
c) briefly try the following programs in order - TBOX, VIEW, DIRS,
DRIVES, ONPATH, TREE, VIEW, and WI. The basic function of
these programs is straight forward and fairly obvious without
reading the documentation.
d) read the Utilities User Manual. This will provide a deeper
understanding of the utility programs already examined, as well
as describe the purpose of the BTSPATCH, MAKEBAT, and TOASCII
e) read the ToolBOX User Manual. While ToolBOX is initially
simple to use, there are an abundance of features available
that are only apparent through reading the documentation. Use
this information in conjunction with the sample files described
in Section 6.0 to externally configure ToolBOX's point and
shoot facility to incorporate applications that are specific to
your environment.
f) read the TBOXCFG program. Many users will never use the
TBOXCFG program - the default settings are adequate. However,
until you have read the TBOXCFG manual, you will not know the
degree to which the ToolBOX program can be reconfigured, and
the potential advantages in doing so.
General BTS Product Information Page 9
5.0 Program Conventions
5.1 Overall Conventions
The programs and utilities can be categorized into two major classes:
As one would expect, the full screen programs present displays and menus
through which the operator interacts to carry out a desired action or
series of activities. The command line programs, however, receive all
of their instructions through the initial command line arguments and
proceed to completion based on this information.
This section describes the conventions that are common to both types of
programs. Those that apply specifically to the full screen or command
line programs are described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 respectively.
documentation conventions
[ | | | ] square brackets enclose optional items, of which
one or none may be selected.
<KEY STROKE> all keys to be struck simultaneously are enclosed
in angle brackets. For example
<ALT d>, <PG-DN> and <CTRL c>.
command line arguments
All programs accept command line arguments. Unless stated
otherwise the rules are:
o for the prefix character, either / or - may be used.
Usually, as long as it doesn't lead to an ambiguity, the
delimiting space between arguments and the leading prefix on
the following argument can be eliminated.
o order is not important except that if conflicting arguments
are entered, priority is given to the last one entered.
Where applicable, arguments from command lines within
configuration files are assumed to occur at the spot the
configuration file is referenced.
General BTS Product Information Page 10
o case is not important unless specified otherwise, see [Xx]
[Xx] command line arguments for turning features On/Off
Many features are enabled or disabled by specifying an option in
upper or lower case respectively. For example a number of
utilities use:
-P to request a pause at the end of each screen of
information as it is presented.
-p to disable pausing.
This technique enables the setting of the defaults to either state
through the BTSPATCH program.
The settings have typically been selected so that the default is
uppercase. That is, unless the defaults have been overridden,
only the lowercase option need be entered on the command line.
matchlist specification
Virtually all programs accept a file match specification for
selecting files for some purpose. In addition to the normal DOS
file specification which employs wildcard characters (? to match
any single character, and * to match 1 or more characters), BTS
programs utilize an enhanced variation - matchlist specifications.
These allow for multiple file inclusion and exclusion
specifications within a directory.
The matchlist specification is of the form:
[d:][path][!]fileSpec [filespec]...
As for a normal DOS file specification, the matchlist can accept
an optional drive and path definition, and a file specification
(which may contain embedded wildcards). The incremental features
1) multiple file specifications can be provided.
2) each file-specification can be preceded by an !
The ! identifies that files matching this specification should be
excluded from files selected by previous file-specifications. If
the ! occurs on the first specification, a leading *.*
specification is assumed. This results in the selection of all
files except those identified in the exclusion list. All file
specifications pertain to the directory referenced by the initial
General BTS Product Information Page 11
For example, to identify all the files in the DOS directory except
the executables:
c:\dos\!*.com !*.exe !*.bat
Always refer to the specific documentation for each program to
determine whether matchlist or file specifications are applicable.
The context will determine whether the specification pertains only
to files, or to files and directories.
patchable by the BTSPATCH program
The startup settings for the command line arguments for all
utilities can be permanently altered by the BTSPATCH program. The
defaults described throughout this manual assume the unpatched
factory default state.
filename extension defaults
Where the matchlist specification is being used to simply select
files for presentation purposes, the unstated file extensions are
assumed to be equivalent to a .* extension. If no extension is
desired, end the specification with a ".".
The TBOXCFG program provides the only occurrence where a specific
extension (CFG) is assumed for unstated extensions. Simply
terminate the filename with a "." if no extension is desired.
TBOX program usage
To optimize processing, the factory default TBOX settings have
override commands established for each of the Binary Toolshed
utilities and most of the DOS commands which issue output.
Typically this is to force a PAUSE on completion of command line
utilities to retain the output data, and to establish the proper
screen controls for the full screen utilities.
program errorlevel return values
All the Binary Toolshed programs return common program errorlevel
0 no file or directory changes, or matches
1 match found
2 unknown changes (typically DOS command executed)
3 change of directories
4 file changes
255 error condition. Problem not specified.
These values can be used within the TBOXCFG flag settings for
keybindings and command overrides. They can also be used within
General BTS Product Information Page 12
DOS batch files. For example, the following batch file segment
checks for at least 1 match (greater than or equal to 1) from a WI
wi search.dat
if errorlevel 1 GOTO GOTMATCH
5.2 Full Screen Program Conventions
error reporting
For normal error conditions, the programs issue audible tones.
The four tones used are described in detail below.
For extremely serious violations (typically: Out of Memory) popup
menus are generated which describe the problem and the available
options. For many of these the only option is to terminate the
program. For others such as "diskette drive not ready", simply
use the retry option when the condition has been corrected. For
memory violations where the user is allowed to proceed, it is
still advisable to get out as quickly as possible as subsequent
functions may encounter further and more severe difficulties.
audible sounds
Four different audible tones are used to reflect various error
click signals attempts to cursor past the extremes
of the window boundaries.
chirp issued when program is unable to understand a
keyboard request. Usually an unexpected
character was entered.
tribble indicates a requested operation could not be
carried out. For example, a request to move
to a drive that does not exist, insufficient
memory to run program, etc.
warble for serious problems that shouldn't have been
feasible to fail or for which continued
operation is questionable: a TSR program was run
after ToolBOX, internal errors, etc.
General BTS Product Information Page 13
These programs all have a -xa# command line argument through which
any of the first three tones can be selectively disabled.
The tree program has one additional tone:
sproing occurs when the program detects that the
actual directory structure differs from the
recorded data file. An update is automatic-
ally performed.
standard cursor control and Help facility
All programs use the traditional keys for entering text, or moving
through menus and windows:, or other operations which are common
across programs:
<UP>, <DOWN>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT>, <PGUP>, <PGDN>, <END>,
<END><END>, <HOME>, <HOME><HOME> - for cursoring through
windows, menus and text. Note <END> moves to the
last entry in the current window, while <END><END>
moves to the last physical entry.
<DEL>, <BACKSPACE>, <INS> - during entry of textual data,
deletes the current character, the previous
character, or toggles the insert/overstrike mode
<RETURN> initiates an action on the selected entry, whether
to select a menu option, change directories, etc.
<ESC> cancels the current operation and returns to the
previous state.
<F1> produces a help screen.
<CTRL c> and <CTRL BREAK> have no effect in these programs.
Where possible, common functions across programs use the same
keyboard codes. The general convention for most single key
operations is to use ALT-letter keys, while CTRL-letter keys are
reserved for customization by the user.
alternate keys
For user convenience, the Binary Toolshed programs use several
keys that may not work under some circumstances - in particular
for some lap tops, alternate BIOSs, or when working under MS
Windows. Alternate keys are always available for the standard
assignments as follows:
General BTS Product Information Page 14
════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═══════════════════
<Mid Pad/5> <F5> TREE
<ALT SPACE> <ALT = > TBOX reserved by windows
<ALT RETURN> <ALT - > TBOX reserved by windows
video parameters
All full screen programs are capable of operating with all
varieties of video cards; adaptable for CGA, EGA, or VGA, for 25,
43, or 50 line modes, or with color, grayscale, or monochrome
color tables. Each program has two command line arguments to set
these attributes; -V to set the video format, and -C to choose the
color table. Refer to the VIEW program documentation.
configuration files
The full screen programs (except TBOXCFG) can accept a config-
uration file as created through the TBOXCFG program. The major
component for the utility programs being the customized color
tables, although the default-command-line-arguments and the banner
data are also used. Data that is not applicable is simply
ignored. The configuration file is specified as @cfgfile.cfg.
The extension and directory path must be explicitly stated if
5.3 Command Line Program Conventions
command line redirection
All programs direct their output to STDOUT. MAKEBAT and TOASCII
receive their input from STDIN. The output from any of the
utilities can be redirected to a file using the DOS redirection
facility, i.e. appending the command line with:
> filename.ext
This is in fact the expected standard procedure for the MAKEBAT
and TOASCII utilities. For these programs the input data can also
be redirected, with:
< filename.ext
General BTS Product Information Page 15
errors and help
All command line programs print a help screen showing their
argument usage if any argument is entered that cannot be
understood, or if the -? argument is entered.
For errors during the execution phase, an error message (prefixed
with "utility-name:") describing the problem is issued with
the output data.
The command line programs never produce sound, of any form.
screen pauses
By default, the WI and DIRS utilities produce paginated output and
issue the industry standard "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" message
after each screenfull. If the response is <ALT P>, not only will
this cause the output display to proceed, but it will also cancel
all subsequent pauses.
keyboard control
Entering <CTRL c> or <CTRL BREAK> terminates the current program
immediately and returns to the DOS prompt.
General BTS Product Information Page 16
6.0 Sample Programs Provided
The self-extraction file SAMPLE.EXE contains a number of files that can
be used in conjunction with the BTS programs. While each of these files
is fully operational, their purpose is primarily to serve as examples.
Each individuals requirements will determine if these files can be used
as is, should be modified slightly, replaced with alternate files, or
are simply not applicable.
These files could have been created by any user. They were created
using facilities that are available to everyone, and none of the BTS
programs specifically expects or references these files. They demon-
strate how each user can extend and augment the basic facilities of the
BTS programs.
6.1 ToolBOX Inferred Batch Files
Inferred batch files are DOS batch files that are invoked by ToolBOX
during normal point and shoot operations. The referenced batch filename
is a function of the keystroke used and some portion of the selected
filename. Refer to the ToolBOX User Manual for specifics. As an
example, if <RETURN> is used to select a file with a .GIF extension,
then ToolBOX looks for the file TBX--GIF.BAT on the PATH. If it is
found it is invoked, otherwise the selected file contents are displayed
with the VIEW program.
Inferred batch files are normally passed 6 arguments (the example
assumes the selected file is C:\PICTURES\GERBILS.GIF in the current
Argument Description Example
──────── ──────────────────────────────── ────────────────────
%1 minimized pathname GERBILS.GIF
%3 drive C
%4 path \PICTURES
%5 name GERBILS
%6 extension GIF
General BTS Product Information Page 17
The following inferred batch files simply invoke a particular appli-
cation program and pass it the selected filename. They themselves are
invoked when a point and shoot operation using <RETURN> selects a file
of the appropriate extension. For an extension of xxx, the batch file
name is TBX--xxx.BAT.
Extension Application Program (Vendor) Notes
───────── ──────────────────────────── ────────────────────────
BAS GWBASIC (Microsoft) Basic Program, [2]
CMF PLAYCMF (Creative Music Labs) Sound Blaster music file
FLI QUICKFLI (Dancing Flame) Autodesk animation files
GIF VPIC (Bob Montgomery) Compuserve pictures [2]
GL GRASPRT (Paul Mace) GRAphicS Animation
interPReTer data files
PCX PICEM (John Bridges) PC Paintbrush/Z-Soft
pictures [2][3]
VOC VPLAY (Creative Music Labs) Sound Blaster voice files
WFW WINWORD (Microsoft) Word For Windows (invokes
MS Windows) [4][5][6]
WK1 123 (Lotus Development Corp) Spread Sheet files [6][7]
WP WP (WordPerfect Corporation) Word processing docs
[1] extension may be used by other applications.
[2] one of several possible application programs for this
purpose. Change to suit availability or preferences.
[3] requires customization for available hardware resources
[4] extension established by convention and may therefore
vary between users, i.e. is not enforced.
[5] conventional extension is .DOC, .WFW is used to prevent
ambiguity. Note invokes MS Windows, and then WINWORD.
[6] requires customization for local directory organization
[7] as 123 does not accept a file argument, the batch
batch file simply starts the 123 program.
Individual users may wish to modify the inferred batch files to insert
specific paths for each application program, or add "change directory"
General BTS Product Information Page 18
This is similar to the above files except that all are related to
working with one of the many forms of compressed files - whether zipped,
arced, packed, etc. These batch files all function by extracting the
contents of the selected data file into a pre-designated empty
directory. From there, the files can be examined and used as desired.
This technique makes it easy to store all seldom used applications,
games, documentation files, etc. in a compressed form and only
decompress when needed. It is never necessary to explicitly delete the
individual decompressed files as they will be deleted by the next
decompression operation. The steps performed by each of these inferred
batch files (the predefined decompression directory is C:\EMPTY):
1) change directories to C:\EMPTY.
2) delete all of the files already there.
3) extract/decompress all the files within the selected
compressed file into the current directory.
4) if the file START.BAT exists within the decompressed
files, it is initiated.
The inferred batch names are named TBX--xxx.BAT as above.
Extension Application Program (Vendor) Notes
───────── ──────────────────────────── ────────────────────────
ARJ ARJ (Robert K Jung) LZH derivative
LZH LHA (Haruyasu Yoshizaki) Public domain
PAK PAK (NoGate Consulting) packed
SDN PAK (NoGate Consulting) packed, Shareware Data Net
ZOO ZOO (Rahul Dhesi)
Two alternate forms of the above inferred files are provided; both
without the START.BAT feature.
If <ALT RETURN> is used rather than <RETURN>, then the corresponding
batch file name is TBXA-xxx.BAT. This file functions in the same manner
except that it does not pre-delete the files in C:\EMPTY. The new
decompressed files are merged with the files already in C:\EMPTY.
If <CTRL RETURN> is used rather than <RETURN>, then the corresponding
batch file name is TBXC-xxx.BAT. This file just decompresses the
selected file into the current directory. There is no attempt made to
pre-delete files or change to the C:\EMPTY directory.
General BTS Product Information Page 19
6.2.Sample Configuration Files
Two example configuration files are provided: SAMPLE-A.CFG and
SAMPLE-B.CFG. They are identical except that SAMPLE-B.CFG uses the
diamond () to designate selected files within the directory display
rather than colors. This configuration may be more appropriate for
grayscale or LCD screens. Since they are the same, only SAMPLE-A.CFG
will be discussed. While primarily for ToolBOX, this configuration file
can be used with the TREE and VIEW utilities as well.
The sample file contains all items as described in the ToolBOX User
Manual plus the following additions.
Changed to "SAMPLE-A"
Changed for the COLOR table only. MONO and GRAYSCALE
tables are unchanged.
(Note the programs referenced by these commands are not
provided with the BTS product. These referenced programs
are however, generally available and/or are replaceable by
an equivalent program.)
<CTRL D> Dumps the currently selected file in hex to a new
file in the current directory with a .DMP
extension. References the Borland TDUMP program.
Serves as an example of re-issuing the keyboard
command line for each selected file.
<CTRL E> Edits the currently selected file. References the
PC Magazine TED (Tiny Text Editor) utility.
<CTRL L> Uses the LIST utility (from Vernon D. Berg) to
display the contents of the currently selected
file. While similar to VIEW, LIST has advantages
for some requirements; the major ones being
unlimited file size, wraps text lines, and can
display files directly in hex.
<CTRL M> Similar to <ALT C> for copy, this initiates a
keyboard command line to move the selected files to
another directory. Move operations differ from a
copy in that the source files are deleted after the
move operation is performed. The keybinding
references the MV command. Many similar programs
General BTS Product Information Page 20
exist. Normally the second parameter is the target
<CTRL U> Freshen ZIP file. Uses the PKZIP program to update
(or freshen) the selected compressed .ZIP file with
any changes that were made in the decompressed
files in C:\EMPTY. Useful for applications which
make minor changes to configuration or score files
that should be retained. While implemented only
for the .ZIP, format, this could be applied to any
of the popular compression techniques.
<CTRL V> Alternate facility to view the contents of the
selected files. Whereas <ALT V> always uses VIEW
to view the contents, <CTRL V> is provided to
examine the file based on some knowledge of the
format of the data contents. Three levels of
viewing are provided:
- if the file has a ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK or ZIP
extension, then the FV utility (from Vernon
D. Berg) is used to provide a directory
display of the compressed files.
- if the above is not satisfied, the PATH is
searched for the TBXV-xxx.BAT inferred batch
file which will be invoked to perform the
viewing that is specific to this file type.
- failing the above, the traditional VIEW
program is used to display the file
<CTRL Z> Compresses all the files in the display directory
into a .ZIP file in the same directory. The 8
character name is selected from the filename at the
current cursor position. Again, any compression
format could have been used in preference to ZIP.
6.3 DOS Batch Files
The batch files described here provide a shortcut to using the features
of the BTS program utilities. Most utilize utilities that are only
available with the registered version of the product. The expected
arguments are shown in lower case.
TIR [d:path][match-list]
Uses ToolBOX as a replacement for the DOS DIR command.
Starts ToolBOX so that if all files can be displayed on one
screen, they will be displayed and ToolBOX exits immediately
to DOS. If more screens are required, ToolBOX remains
active, but in DIRECTORY mode rather than SELECT to
General BTS Product Information Page 21
facilitate use as a directory display program.
Invokes the DIRS utility to display branch sizes for the
first level only. This is probably the most common choice
for day-to-day operations. The same effect could have been
created by using BTSPATCH to modify DIRS so that the number
of levels was one by default.
CLEAN [d:]
Using WI, deletes all of the files on the designated drive
(or current if not specified) that are at least 4 days old
and have a BAK, OLD, or TMP extension.
WI-COPY sourceSpecification targetPath
Using WI, copies all files corresponding to the match
specification of the first argument, to the directory
specified by the second argument. As the first argument is
assumed to end after the first trailing space, it is not
possible to use a match list specification for the
WI-RUN filename [option]...
Using WI, finds the first program matching the specified
filename (.EXE extension assumed) and executes it. The
optional arguments, such as -C, are passed to WI.
WI-VIEW sourceMatchlist
Using WI, finds the files matching the argument matchlist and
displays their contents with the VIEW utility.
ZRUN d:path\zipname
Provides a mechanism for simulating from the DOS command
line, what ToolBOX does when unzipping files: i.e. deleting
all files in C:\EMPTY, unzipping the named file into
C:\EMPTY, and then starting the START.BAT file if it is
available. The full pathname for the ZIP file must be stated
as it is referenced from the C:\EMPTY directory. The example
batch file is provided for the ZIP format, but could have
been included for any of the available compress formats.
General BTS Product Information Page 22
6.4 MS Windows Data Files
The BTS programs are obviously not specifically designed for use with
Microsoft Windows. They can however be used with the MS Windows 3.0
program. In fact under Windows the BTS facilities are generally much
faster and more convenient than the Windows specific programs.
Icons (.ICO) and pif (.PIF) files are provided for integrating the three
full screen programs - TBOX, TREE, and VIEW. These files are not
required for correct operation under Windows, they are simply a
convenience. To include the BTS programs as a group, create a NEW group
through the windows program manager. In the initial Program Group
Properties window enter a Description name (such as Binary Toolshed),
and for the Group File specify C:\BTS\BTS.GRP. This creates an
established group with PIF files for ToolBOX, VIEW and TREE. Two
versions of each are provided, a normal version and one that forces full
screen operation (applicable to 386 enhanced mode only).
General BTS Product Information Page 23
APPENDIX A : Questions & Answers
Q Can I use the executable compress programs such as LZEXE or PKLITE
to reduce the program size.
A Yes, but. These programs do work. Tests on the Binary Toolshed
programs indicate a typical disk size reduction of 35% although
there is a marginal increase in load time due to the required
decompression time (this percentage will vary with each systems
ratio of disk performance to processor speed). On the negative
side, BTSPATCH cannot work on compressed programs. If you need to
use BTSPATCH, use it on the normal version of the program, and
then compress the patched version.
Q In ToolBOX, what happens if I enter a program name that has the
same name as a directory.
A DOS won't actually let you create a directory and file with the
same name, the second is always inhibited. However, the ambiguity
can occur anyway since when the program name is entered, the
extension isn't usually provided. ToolBOX takes this name
(without an extension) and first checks if it matches a directory
name. If a match occurs the directory change is made and ToolBOX
will never attempt to see if an appropriate executable file
exists. To prevent this, explicitly enter the extension when a
potential problem exists. This is rarely a problem. The more
common occurrence, which is not ambiguous, is to find executables
within directories of the same name.
Q With ToolBOX, when invoking an application through point and shoot
operations, is there any real difference between using inferred
batch files and specially configuring a keybinding.
A Not in the basic sense; they both end up invoking the appropriate
application and can optionally pass it the name of the selected
The minor advantages of the inferred batch file are that it is
probably easier to configure and, since it is external, ToolBOX's
size isn't increased to hold the configuration data.
The advantage of the configured keybinding is that several options
are possible that are not available to the inferred batch file.
You can specify more than one match specification and it can be
based on something other than just the extension, any desired
keystroke can be specified, flags can be set to pause/swap/
reformat/etc, and the command executes much faster since the PATH
doesn't have to be searched.
General BTS Product Information Page 24
Q Isn't there another ambiguity in ToolBOX if referenced filenames
start with the "!".
A Yes, ToolBOX is not able to tell whether !FILENAM.EXT is intended
to exclude the file "FILENAM.EXT" or to include the file
"!FILENAM.EXT". ToolBOX resolves this somewhat by using the
second definition ("!FILENAM.EXT") if there are any files in the
referenced directory with a leading "!". Obviously this is still
a potential source of problems. The safest solution is to rename
all files that start with "!".
Q Why does <ALT p> use the DOS COPY rather than PRINT?
A Primarily because the PRINT command establishes a small TSR the
first time it is run. If you want to take advantage of the
spooling capabilities of the PRINT command, change the
SAMPLE-x.CFG file and ensure that PRINT is run once before ToolBOX
is initiated (e.g. from your AUTOEXEC.BAT). Obviously any print
utility program could be used here.
Q What does it mean if ToolBOX just beeps when I try to initiate a
A For some reason the program can't be run. Usually there is no
memory available or the swap device is full.
Q Are there any operational hints for ToolBOX?
A Sure:
a) to move up one directory (to ..)
b) to change the directory display format or sort selection, the
pop-up menu sequence corresponds exactly to the 'dir' command
parameters. E.G.:
c) to refresh the display for the current directory, simply
enter '.' - which ToolBOX interprets as a request to move to
the current directory.
d) if you have trouble remembering whether it's the ALT or CTRL
key, remember that ToolBOX only uses the <ALT-letter>
combinations for the factory defaults. <CTRL-letter> keys
are left for the SAMPLE-x.CFG files or user configured
General BTS Product Information Page 25
e) you may find that using the intrinsic DEL command to delete a
large number of files takes a considerable period of time.
Either be patient or enter the original command in mixed case
to request the faster DOS version.
Q Are there any limits one should be aware of?
A Unfortunately there are always limits. The following are guide-
lines; the available memory, the video card used, and other
factors will influence the actual values. The programs will
continue even if these values are exceeded.
TBOX - 1200 files or subdirectories within a single directory
VIEW - 500KB per file
TREE - for each drive, 2700 directories
- for each directory, file list is limited to 400 files
DIRS - 1400 directories
- 256 subdirectories in each directory
Q Are there any known incompatibilities with other programs.
A Only one currently. If using DOS 5, ANSI.SYS, and the DOS MODE
command is used to establish 43 or 50 screen lines, there will
occasionally be some confusion in the positioning of the cursor
when switching between the split screen and DOS windows. While
this is little more than an annoyance in that text will be
overwritten, at this time we recommend that with DOS 5 you use any
of the alternative mechanisms for establishing more than 25 screen
General BTS Product Information Page 26
APPENDIX B : Glossary
argument an option field on the program command line. Note,
the convention used within these manuals is that
"arguments" refer to the initial startup command
line, while "parameters" (see below) refer to
options on command lines within the ToolBOX
BTSPATCH.EXE a separate utility program that allows the user to
set their own default startup command line within
each of the supplied Binary Toolshed programs.
Refer to the Utilities User Manual for more
command line a single processable line of text. This may be a
DOS command line or if within ToolBOX - a ToolBOX
command set a collection of command lines that are assigned to
a keybinding for the ToolBOX program. This
grouping is created through the TBOXCFG program.
compressed file a file that has been created by one of the many
available compression programs (ARC, PAK, PKZIP,
etc.). Compression not only reduces the size of
the original, but provide a means of collecting a
number of individual files into one single file.
This compression reduces storage and/or communi-
cation time requirements. Each compression
technique requires its own specific decompression
program to restore the compressed files back to
their original form.
DIRS.EXE a BTS (registered version only) utility program
that displays disk space utilization for directory
branches. Refer to the Utilities User Manual for
more information.
DOS Disk Operating System, the control program for IBM
Personal Computers. The term refers to both the
Microsoft (MS DOS) and the IBM (PC DOS) versions.
Refer to your DOS User Manual for further
explanations of DOS commands such as PATH, COPY,
FORMAT, RD, and RENAME, as well as descriptions of
wildcard characters, batch files, directories,
environment variables, command line redirection,
STDIN and STDOUT definitions, and so on.
DRIVES.EXE a BTS (registered version only) utility program
that displays disk drive parameters for all
assigned drives. Refer to the Utilities User
Manual for more information.
General BTS Product Information Page 27
environment variables
also referred to as set variables, these are user
defined names that can be associated with any
desired text string. Programs can interrogate
these strings and act accordingly. Use the DOS SET
command to modify these variables - such as BTS, or
errorlevel an exit code value (from 0 to 255) returned from
all DOS programs. This can be tested by the IF
statement within batch files or referenced by the
keybinding processing within ToolBOX. All Binary
Toolshed programs employ a standard convention for
errorlevel values.
factory defaults the initialization settings that were established
by the Binary Toolshed and included in the
distribution version of the product. The program
defaults can be changed subsequently by the
intrinsics command lines understood and processed directly by
ToolBOX, i.e. they are not passed on to DOS. These
command lines consist of a command word (e.g. "sel"
or "del") and optionally one or more parameters.
keybinding the attachment of a command set to a particular
keyboard keystroke. These are configured by the
TBOXCFG program, and used by the TBOX program.
keyboard command a command line (DOS or intrinsic) entered manually
through the TBOX command line as shown at the
bottom of the directory display.
keystroke a single identifiable entry through the keyboard.
This may be one key or multiple keys. For example
<a> or <CTRL ALT 9>.
MAKEBAT.EXE a BTS (registered version only) utility program
that creates batch files based on a template data
file and a file match specification for applicable
files. Refer to the Utilities User Manual for more
matchlist a file selection specification list that can
specify a drive, path, and one or more file
specifications. Each file specification can use
the DOS wildcard characters and be preceded by "!"
to indicate matching files should be removed from
the selected list rather than added. For example:
c:\dos\*.* !*.com !*.exe
General BTS Product Information Page 28
ONPATH.EXE a BTS (registered version only) utility that
determines if specified files are accessible
through the DOS PATH variable. Refer to the
Utilities User Manual for more information.
parameter separate option field(s) following the command word
on a command line within the ToolBOX program; that
is used for the entry of DOS or intrinsic commands
through the keyboard command line or through
command sets. Refer above to "argument".
PATH the DOS reserved environment variable which
designates alternate directories to be searched for
program files.
path a DOS directory specification consisting of an
optional leading drive indicator and one or more
directory names, e.g.
pathname a DOS file specification consisting of a filename
with an optional leading path, e.g.
point-and-shoot the ability to cursor to an object such as a file
(hence point) and when <ENTER> is pressed (hence
shoot) have a particular operation carried out
based on some characteristic of the selected object
- such as the extension.
popup menu a window of menu selections that appears in the
"middle" of the current screen. The menu options
may initiate actions directly or bring up further
menus with more options.
quickcommand line single command lines within ToolBOX that may be
initiated separate from the command sets bound to
particular keystrokes.
redirection a DOS capability which allows the normal input or
output of a command to be altered to come from or
go to a specified file. Redirection can be used
for the DOS command lines within ToolBOX.
self-extraction file a compressed file that embeds the decompression
facility within itself. These are usually .EXE
files. Running the file (and program) extracts (or
decompresses) the contained files into the current
TBOX.EXE The ToolBOX - the main shell program provided with
the BTS product. These documentation files refer
to TBOX as ToolBOX. Provides file directory
General BTS Product Information Page 29
displays, point and shoot operations, single key
activation of sets of commands, pass through DOS
command line operation, reuse of command line text,
quick access to recently entered directories,
simultaneous directory and DOS window views, and
much more. Refer to the ToolBOX User Manual for
more information.
TBOXCFG.EXE a BTS configuration program that allows extensive
modifications to the basic ToolBOX operational
capabilities. Refer to the TBOXCFG User Manual for
more details.
TOASCII.EXE a BTS utility program that acts as a filter for
converting text files that use the extended IBM PC
character set to use the standard 95 printable
ASCII characters. Refer to the Utilities User
Manual for more information.
toggle to switch between alternatives: ON to OFF, from
INSERT to OVERWRITE mode, from the DOS display to
the ToolBOX display, etc.
TREE.EXE a BTS utility program that graphically depicts the
directory structure in the form of a tree that can
be traversed with the cursor keys. Refer to the
Utilities User Manual for more information.
TSR a Transient and Stay Resident program. These
programs permanently retain a small portion of
memory while they lie dormant waiting for a
particular action. These programs must be
initiated before ToolBOX is run.
verification window a prompt window issued by ToolBOX to ensure the
requested operation is really desired.
VIEW.EXE a BTS utility program that allows browsing through
textual data files. Refer to the Utilities User
Manual for more information.
WI.EXE a BTS (registered version only) utility program
that locates specified files wherever they are
located on the disk drive(s), and optionally
carries out an operation on those files. Refer to
the Utilities User Manual for more information.